About Degree Electronics & Communication Engineering
The department of Electronic and Communication Engineering aims to meet the engineering main power requirement in the emerging fields of Communication an Electronics. The course curriculum has been so design as to meet the Industrial needs. The department has well equipped laboratories with require software and hardware. As part of the course curriculum the students have to complete a project with industry in their last semester.
The department offers education in various subjects dealing with latest technologies like VLSI design, Wireless Communication and Networks, Mobile Communication, Embedded System etc., which are supported by well-equipped laboratories.
HOD Message
To educate students to become responsible global citizens and future leaders through a challenging learning environment. We are educators and learners. We produce carefully trained, eternally strong, socially responsible, innovative electrical engineers of highest quality to contribute progress of the nation.
To achieve excellence in our teaching and service. To prepare students with attitudes, skills, and habits of lifelong learning and leadership thereby enabling them to be productive members of a global society. To prepare students for successful career in industry, research and development. To introduce students to professional ethics and codes of professional practice.
- Computer Labs with IBM, X-Series , Xeon & Dual Processor Pentium Servers.
- Number of Workstation connected in LAN & WI-FI.
- IT Computer Laboratories with total 102 Pentium-iv Computers.
- 30 Mbps lease line for Internet Access.
- Interconnected Laboratories through Linux based/Windows 2003 based Servers.
- Analog Electronics LAB
- Electronics Workshop LAB
- Electronics Measurement and Instrument LAB
- Power Electronics LAB
- Analog Communication LAB
- Digital Communication LAB
- Digital Electronics LAB
- Microprocessor and Micro-controller LAB
- VLSI and Embedded System LAB
- Mobile and Wireless Communication LAB
- Computer Center