About Diploma Information Technology Engineering
The Goal of Information Technology Department is to make available an appropriate information technology environment that provides to each student, faculty member, staff member, and visitor the information technology access, resources, and support that the College establishes as necessary to meet its mission. This environment must be managed in a way as cost-effective a manner as possible. While providing open access to information, the department must maintain suitable protection of personal and other confidential information.
HOD Message
Information Technology at SRCODE is committed to providing computing, telecommunications, networking infrastructure and audio visual support to academic and administrative programs and services. The information technology staff researches and implements cost effective solutions that enhances the institute's ability to provide a quality education for students and gives administrators and faculty the means to operate successfully.
- Prof. Mit H. Dave
As a computing support organization, IT will be known for its technical skills and its partnerships with stakeholders to create and deliver high-quality services.
"To leave no stone unturned in our endeavour to ensure that every alumnus looks back at us and says “Department has not merely taught us, it has educated us”.
- ADVANCED Workstations Connected in LAN & WI-FI Network
- Multimedia Classrooms
- 24 HoursInternet Access
- E- Learning& E- Support
- Live ProjectTraining
- InterconnectedLaboratories Through Linux & WindowsServers
- Computer Labs Equipped with Xeon & Dual-Core Processors
- Hardware Lab
- Networking LAB
- C Programming LAB
- Advance Computer Programming LAB
- Software Development LAB
- Mobile Computing (Android) LAB
- Advance Database(Oracle) LAB
- Microsoft (.Net) LAB
- Internet Technology LAB
- Object Oriented Programming LAB