About Degree Information Technology
.The mission of the department is to produce and impart theory. principles, practice and know-importance of computing in the information age. This is requiring for the critical analysis, design, evolution and improvement of computing system in context of computers and industry services. It is our objective that student should be able to pursue advance studies in computer engineering on a competitive universal basis.
The program curriculum includes range of elective course along with core courses. Core subject like Software Engineering, Operating System, Computer Network, DBMS, Data structure, Object Oriented Programming, .NET(C#/ VB/ASP) , Dynamic Web Development, Computer Graphics etc. are covered along with courses like JAVA Technology, Web Technology, Information Security etc., which provide a domain capability to each student that allow him/her to have a meaningful carrier in industry and academics.
HOD Message
Information Technology Services will be recognized as a high performance team providing technology excellence that advances learning, teaching, research, and student formation in alignment with Sanjaybhai Rajguru College’s mission and goals.
Rethinking the education of future scholars and artists to meet the needs of the 21st century, particularly the need for deep historical knowledge of diverse technologies to futuristic deep drilling of information tending to effective use and new development of powerful technology for communication and creativity.
- Computer Labs with IBM, X-Series , Xeon & Dual Processor Pentium Servers.
- Number of Workstation connected in LAN & WI-FI.
- IT Computer Laboratories with total 102 Pentium-iv Computers.
- 30 Mbps lease line for Internet Access.
- Interconnected Laboratories through Linux based/Windows 2003 based Servers.
- Programming In C LAB
- Network LAB
- Hardware LAB
- Advanced Programming LAB
- Microprocessor Programming LAB