The Computer engineering program includes computer operation on different languages, data generation, collection and utilization of information. The course imparts all the basics as well as latest knowledge pertaining to the rapidly developing field of computers. The course is designed to keep students in pace with the practical fields. The main backbone of the course is educating knowledge of computer and its engineering. Almost all fields are computerized to have ease of handling the problems of designing, manufacturing, maintenance, servicing, researching, marketing and accounting.
This programs covers a wide spectrum of topics in Data Communication, Computer Networking, Operating System, Microprocessor programming and Application, PHP, Visual Basic, ASP .NET, System Programming, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, various packages and Software like ORACLE, JAVA, VC++ etc.
HOD Message
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science &
Engineering. Graduates of computer science department are the pillars in the
current and emerging information era. Today almost every aspect of modern life
involves computing - from mobile phones, TVs, planes, trains and cars, to
gaming, security and medicine. The digital world is really upon us. As a student, you will have the opportunity
to study a variety of subjects encompassing all aspects of Computer Science. To
develop student’s technical knowledge and skills department has well equipped
modern-aids laboratories and classroom projection facilities along with this
various workshops, seminars are arranged by department for development of
students as well as for faculties.
-Prof. J. K. Ratanpara
The Department of Computer Science & Engineering was established with a vision to empower the students to be technologically adept, innovative, self-motivated and responsible global citizen.
The mission of the department is to provide quality education to the students.
To establish industry institute interaction to make students ready for the industrial environment.
To prepare students for professional career and higher studies by providing conductive teaching – learning environment
- Programming in C
- Departmental Library
- Reading Room
- Career counselling
- Project Laboratory
- Programming In C LAB
- Network LAB
- Hardware LAB
- Advanced Programming LAB
- Microprocessor Programming LAB